The Joy of Life on Earth
Our 2024 winter-spring program is titled The Joy of Life on Earth, and focuses on the human experience, the beauty of nature, and the love that permeates a joyful life. With a wide range of musical genres on the program, there will be something joyful for everyone!
The first two rehearsals on January 16 and 23 are “try-out rehearsals” where anyone is welcome to come experience the choir without committing to the full semester and concert. Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7:15pm at Calgary Unitarians (1703 1 St. NW).
Sign up to sing with us, or reserve the date to attend our next concert: Friday, May 10, 7:30pm at St. David’s United Church. I look forward to seeing you there!”
–Krishan Power, Artistic Director
Click here to register.